1. The second personal exhibition by Ivan Novikov is rethinking the painting as a result of the complex biosemiotic relationship between the nature and the human. Working only with natural pigments, Ivan expands his painting technique on the leafs of the houseplants and paints over them as if these were his canvases.

    The surface of the paintings is imitating the nature and becomes artificial dirt. This creates a pending between an intervention and memisis of art and life. It is either the painting which interferes into a garden, or the plants are invading the gallery space. The ambiguousness of the status of any mode of installation becomes important. What is here oppressed and what is dominant?

    The title of the exhibition is a term used in biosemiotics to name a biological basis for studying communication between the biological species.

    Texts by Constantin Bokhorov, Boris Klyushnikov and Dmitry Skopintsev.

    Venue: Komnata gallery (Moscow)

    Date: 28.09.2013 – 28.10.2013